Exploring Nix & Haskell Part 1: Project Setup

Exploring Nix & Haskell Part 1: Project Setup

I’ve been working a lot with Nix and Haskell lately, and I thought now would be a good time to pause and write about it before I either forget what I’ve learned or forget why I found it difficult in the first place.

This is the first of a series of posts, with the overarching goal of building up a deterministic Haskell development environment using Nix, including a modern IDE experience and any tooling built-in. I’ve seen a lot of Haskell posts recently expressing frustration at the initial developer experience, and hopefully this can help alleviate that. This means that while we’ll end each post with a valid, working environment, along the way I’ll try to also explain the individual pieces as much as I understand them, so we can build up more of an intuition of what each piece does.

This first post will cover:

  • why choose Nix for your Haskell environment
  • pinning haskellPackages for your project
  • setting the GHC version you want
  • overriding haskell packages
  • getting documentation for your packages and enabling Hoogle

I will assume basic knowledge of Nix (i.e. this makes sense to you) and some basic knowledge of the Haskell ecosystem (but not much). Having read project0 and project1 of https://github.com/Gabriel439/haskell-nix is also probably useful. I will try to provide full in-line examples wherever possible so you can follow along; if you get stuck, the end code for this post, with intermediate steps, can be found here.

Why Nix

First of all, why use Nix for your development environment at all instead of Stack, the main alternative? To be clear, I think Stack is quite good at getting a development environment up quickly and painlessly – if you’d like to read more about it, the stack guide is pretty good, and the first few sections of this post are awesome for understanding how to get it working with your IDE and explaining some of the gotchas.

With that aside, there are a few reasons for choosing Nix-based development:

  1. Nix makes managing non-Haskell dependencies pretty easy
  2. With Nix, you can make your entire developer environment completely reproducible, in the style of a lightweight vagrant. Think: all command line tools declaratively defined, IDE with all the right plugins, etc.
  3. Most GHCJS frameworks don’t play too well with Stack. I’ve been playing around with reflex and obelisk recently, and while you could probably get things working eventually with Stack, it’s not the primary, supported method.
  4. Nix is more powerful. It’s a full language and, while I think it’s more complicated, it does have a MUCH higher upper bound for what you can do with it.


Enough why, let’s get started! We’re going to use a cabal file that’s pretty basic but has a few extra dependencies so we can see when things are getting downloaded / built from source:

name:                nix-test
license:             BSD3
license-file:        LICENSE
build-type:          Simple
extra-source-files:  ChangeLog.md
cabal-version:       >=1.10

executable nix-test
  main-is:             Main.hs
  build-depends:      base >=4.9
                    , containers
                    , lens
                    , text
  hs-source-dirs:      src
  default-language:    Haskell2010

Then you’ll want to do a cabal2nix . > default.nix to generate a derivation from that. Remember to run cabal2nix any time you change your cabal file! Note that by default, Nix will require a LICENSE file for your project.

Also, make sure your Nix version is at least 2.0. You can check with nix --version, and according to their manual you can update to latest version with:

nix-channel --update; nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix

This is important because some command line tools have changed between versions. As an example we’ll be using, the command to enter the repl changed from nix-repl to nix repl, and some commands won’t work if you launch it with nix-repl, since it explicitly depends on and launches using Nix 1.

Pinning your haskell packages

The absolute minimum derivation, which we’ll be building on (call it release.nix), is as follows:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
  { project1 = pkgs.haskellPackages.callPackage ./default.nix { };

The main thing I don’t like about this is that it uses whatever “nixpkgs” is floating around your system. Instead, let’s pin to a specific commit of a stable channel using nix-prefetch-git:

$ nix-env -i nix-prefetch-git # if you don't have it
$ nix-prefetch-git https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs-channels.git refs/heads/nixos-18.03 > nixos-18-03.json

which generates:

  "url": "https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs-channels.git",
  "rev": "8b92a4e600458c01ab0a72f2492eb7120e18f9bc",
  "date": "2018-09-02T16:06:16+02:00",
  "sha256": "1s28c24wydfiqkbz9x7bwhjnh2x4qr010p18si7xdnfdwrxn5mh1",
  "fetchSubmodules": true

Then to use it in your nix file, you’d use a combination of readFile, fromJSON, and fetchFromGitHub. In it’s own file (call it pkgs-from-json.nix), this looks like:

  bootstrap ? import <nixpkgs> {}
, json
  nixpkgs = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile json);
  src = bootstrap.fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "NixOS";
    repo  = "nixpkgs-channels";
    inherit (nixpkgs) rev sha256;
  import src {} 

and is used in release.nix by changing that file to:

  pinnedPkgs = import ./pkgs-from-json.nix { json = ./nixos-18-03.json; };
  { project1 = pinnedPkgs.haskellPackages.callPackage ./default.nix { };

If you want to see which haskell packages are pinned for that commit, you can go to hackage-packages.nix for that “rev”. So for the JSON above, that file would be this link. Then you can either CTRL+F there or download that file and search locally to see which version of a given dependency is pinned.

Setting GHC version

But which version of GHC are we using? One way would be to search for "base" (with the quotes) and backtrack to the version of GHC from that (GHC release notes show included library versions).

Instead, my favorite way is via nix repl, made easier by the fact that we extracted our pinning function to its own file. Since haskellPackages is an alias for haskell.packages.<default-ghc-version>, we can do the following:

$ nix repl
nix-repl> pkgs = import ./pkgs-from-json.nix { json = ./nixos-18-03.json; }
nix-repl> pkgs.haskellPackages.ghc
«derivation /nix/store/djy5y2x23cpzksxpwc1zb3df9kq4y3lw-ghc-8.2.2.drv»

So, this nixpkgs is defaulting to ghc-8.2.2. What if we want to use a different GHC version? First let’s see which versions we have available, this time using the auto-complete of nix repl:

nix-repl> pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc<type tab tab>
pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc7103        pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc822         pkgs.haskell.packages.ghcjs
pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc7103Binary  pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc841         pkgs.haskell.packages.ghcjsHEAD
pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc802         pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc843
pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc821Binary   pkgs.haskell.packages.ghcHEAD

If we want to use ghc843 instead, we would be tempted to replace haskellPackages with haskell.packages.ghc843. Let’s try that just to see what happens:

$ nix-build release3.nix --dry-run
these derivations will be built:
  many many more
  these paths will be fetched (115.61 MiB download, 1289.39 MiB unpacked):

Whoa whoa whoa, we don’t want to BUILD all that – that would take forever. I’m not sure exactly why this happens, but my guess is that the only haskell packages that are cached for this commit are the ones listed in the raw.githubusercontent.com page I linked above. Since a new GHC version is using a new base and core packages, chances are that package versions are going to be resolved slightly differently, and you’ll need to build any that are different.

In my opinion, a better way is to pick a Nix channel that has whatever GHC you want in the default haskellPackages, since it will come with a set of packages that will work well together and not require that you build so much yourself. In this case, nixos-18.09 has GHC 8.4.3 as the default, so we could use it instead by running:

$ nix-prefetch-git https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs-channels.git refs/heads/nixos-18.09 > nixos-18-09.json

and pointing to this new nixos-18-09.json in your release file (release4.nix).

Overriding packages

There are a few ways to override haskell packages but most are, surprisingly, not very composable. For instance, if you were to try:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
  overriddenPackages1 = pkgs.haskellPackages.override {
    overrides = self: super: {
      project1 = self.callPackage ./default.nix { };
  overriddenPackages2 = overriddenPackages1.override {
    overrides = self: super: {
      # some more overrides

  { project1 = overriddenPackages2.project1;

the execution would fail with error: attribute 'project1' missing at the final line, since the second override cleared out what the first one set.

The best override methodology I’ve found is with the (slightly arcane) syntax described in
this ticket. Applying this, your release file becomes release5.nix:

  pinnedPkgs = import ./pkgs-from-json.nix { json = ./nixos-18-09.json; };

  customHaskellPackages = pinnedPkgs.haskellPackages.override (old: {
    overrides = pinnedPkgs.lib.composeExtensions (old.overrides or (_: _: {})) (self: super: {
      project1 = self.callPackage ./default.nix { };
      # additional overrides go here

  { project1 = customHaskellPackages.project1;

This is using the built-in composeExtensions function to take the previous overrides (or the empty set, {}) and merge it with whatever is inside the self: super: overlay. In this change I also switched around where we define project1: now it is defined in our haskellPackages with everything else and just returned at the end. I prefer this approach since, from now on, our project1 will be treated like any other haskell dependency.

Enabling Hoogle

If you’re working on Haskell locally, you really should be using a local Hoogle instance so that the package’s version you’re viewing for documentation matches the version you’re using in your code. Fortunately Nix makes this quite easy, especially once you set up your overrides as above. A standalone expression for this looks like the following, call it toggle-hoogle.nix:

  # Library of functions to use, for composeExtensions. 
  lib ? (import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgs.lib
  # Whether or not hoogle should be enabled.
, withHoogle
  # Input set of all haskell packages. A valid input would be:
  # (import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgs.haskellPackages
, input
if withHoogle
  then  input.override (old: {
          overrides = lib.composeExtensions (old.overrides or (_: _: {})) (self: super: {
            ghc = super.ghc // { withPackages = super.ghc.withHoogle; };
            ghcWithPackages = self.ghc.withPackages;
  else  input

Then we can change our release file to call it with what we have so far, taking an input to toggle this functionality. release6.nix:

{ withHoogle ? false
  pinnedPkgs = import ./pinnedPkgs.nix { pinnedJsonFile = ./nixos-18-09.json; };

  customHaskellPackages = pinnedPkgs.haskellPackages.override (old: {
    overrides = pinnedPkgs.lib.composeExtensions (old.overrides or (_: _: {})) (self: super: {
      project1 = self.callPackage ./default.nix { };
      # addditional overrides go here

  hoogleAugmentedPackages = import ./toggle-hoogle.nix { withHoogle = withHoogle; input = customHaskellPackages; };

  { project1 = hoogleAugmentedPackages.project1;

Then, if we wanted to enter a shell where we had GHC packages built with documentation, we could write a shell.nix with:

  projectDrv = (import ./release6.nix { withHoogle = true; } ).project1;

And if we wanted to run Hoogle with these packages, it would just be a matter of running the start command in this shell:

$ nix-shell --run 'hoogle server --port=8080 --local --haskell'

Ending Notes

That’s all for this post, thanks for reading along this far! Again, if you want to see the final setup as this post left off, check out this repository. In the next post, I’ll show how this basic project setup can be hooked up to an IDE.

If you’d like to comment on any part of this post, please do so in the associated reddit post here! As my first formal blog post, any type of feedback is welcome!